Art and Design

The direct translation of "Timeless Thrills" is "Good Times Forever."  While our brand has always stayed true to the concept in which we built the name, this idea has always been the backbone to anything we have done.  

For our 5 Year Anniversary we collaborated with French, self-taught artist, Matthieu Tarrin, or better known by his Instagram handle, @tarwane.  The 'Good Times Forever' design will be available on a couple items at our 5 Year Party on the 5th at 5pm.  

Below is an evolution of the GTF design throughout the time Matthieu created it in Lyon, France, all the way to Sacramento, CA where we used it as the centerpiece of our 5 Year Party flyer.  You can even catch the design in the second page of the new Submerge Magazine, on stands everywhere throughout Sacramento now!  It was awesome to work with someone half way across the world and truly be able to collaborate.  Matthieu is an awesome and damn talented guy.  Thanks again buddy!

Last, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, we will see you this Saturday at the 5 Year Party.  Good food, cold beer, awesome music, new product...  What more could you ask for?  


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