3714 J Street

If you happen to follow Blake Gillespie on Instagram you know he takes the coolest photos of basketball courts and hoops all over.  It is almost a mysterious aesthetic he has created, but one that keeps you intrigued and wanting more.  He would post these photos so often it kind of became his thing.  Personally I was super drawn to the posts.  Fast forward to now where Blake is taking that concept and aesthetic and turning it into physical print.  Meet SACRED HOOPS BOOK.

We have known Blake for a while now just by him being a Sacramento creative.  I want to say he even wrote about us for SNR years back.  Either way he has grown into a solid friend of the brand and our store and we are always happy to see him walk through the door.  Throw in the fact he is producing a fresh piece of print; Now we are talking!  

If you know anything about our flagship store you know we take keeping print alive in Sacramento incredibly serious.  If you have come in the store you probably heard me say; "There are no print specific stores in Sacramento anymore.  It's pretty much Barnes & Noble or bust if you want a solid magazine."  That fact sucks and because of it we do our part in stocking local and industry publications, magazines, zines, art, and more.  SACRED HOOPS BOOK fits that mold to a "t!"  

We are extremely excited to now stock SACRED HOOPS BOOK in our Flagship Store.  We have limited stock so cruise in and grab a copy now!  Thank you Blake for giving us this opportunity to stock your awesome magazine.  

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