3714 J Street Events Photography


"Like many creative things @sacramentoisdead began as a juvenile “fuck you.” A fuck you to the idealist vision of the city, funded by Visit Sacramento. Exploitation of a sterile, glamorous urban center on the rise was rampant circa 2016. The thought became, “why are we all staring at this curated version of our lives?”

Is this us? Do we want this version? Are we being force fed? What other versions of Sacramento exist?

The account was a response. Jamming the popular hashtags with a less picturesque vision of how it felt to live here. Abandoned, neglected, and suffering. The antithesis of tourism branding.

The hashtag #nobodyliveshere clung to every photo as an idea. That idea grew.

Then friends started saying things like “I get lost on K Street momentarily because I don’t recognize anything.”

Take a picture it will last longer.

Other ideas came about, but they don’t matter now. Each would only stifle the possibilities of what could be.

Which is to then ask: what is @sacramentoisdead to us?

Why do we follow this account? Why are we gathering in a clothing store to look at the pictures on a wall that were previously on our phones?

Since the genesis of @sacramentoisdead it has felt like a statement. Reasons for continuing kept arising, but more importantly Sacramento started communicating to the account. Sharing its interpretation. Suddenly, it felt like a conversation. No matter what form that takes, it’s a part of @sacramentoisdead.

The Sacramento Is Dead Vol.1 zine, regrettably limits the scope. It’s one statement. It’s also Vol.1. in a series of statements and conversations yet to take form. elogio eterno.

Here at Timeless Thrills® we are humbled and excited to host @sacramentoisdead for one night only.  Thank you to Colleen and PBR for keeping everyone hydrated for the night.  

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