10. "Yokai Battle Parade II" by Dan Sinnes

10. "Yokai Battle Parade II" by Dan Sinnes

$ 1,200.00

"Yokai Battle Parade II" (2023)

By Dan Sinnes

56" x 30" 

Ink on Chinese Xuau paper.  Airbursh and paint brush.  ___________________________________________

Dan Sinnes is a multi faceted artist and tattooer from Luxembourg.  He has been tattooing close to two decades.  He owns his own shop, Electric Avenue Tattoo in Luxembourg however you can find him traveling all over the world at exhibitions and conventions.

Sinnes’ style embodies traditional tattooing with both Japanese and American influence.  His bold, striking designs are hard to miss.  

Aside from tattooing, Sinnes is a skilled ceramicist focusing on sculptures, planters, plates, platters, mugs, vases, and several items alike.  Using his tattoo images, the ceramics Sinnes creates are a true reflection of his pure artistry.