3714 J Street Art and Design Events

Happy Hour Ceramics holds a special place in our hearts here at Timeless Thrills.  Long before we stocked our first order from Brian and Ashley back in 2020 we were longtime customers, patiently waiting for each new drop.  Personally we have collected a wide array of Happy Hour items ranging from vases, bowls, mugs, glasses, artwork, and of course pots!  We collect cacti and succulents and majority of our species rest comfortably in Happy Hour vessels.  We would like to think those plants are much happier than ones not in HH pots (pun intended).


On Saturday, May 13th from 5-8pm we will host the Opening Reception to 'Happy Hour;' A one night only event unveiling a massive new collection of Happy Hour Ceramics made exclusively for Timeless Thrills.   

Keep in mind this is a mere tease compared to the volume of what will be available on the evening of May 13th.  

While we gear up for opening night we connected with Brian and Ashley of Happy Hour Ceramics for an unofficial interview.  Not only did we have questions of our own for the power couple, we asked them questions we thought others might be genuinely interested in as well.  Their answers helped build the perfect lead up to a monumental drop.  Enjoy!


Why the name Happy Hour?  What is the history and conception of the name for the business?  

The truth is embarrassingly simple. For a few weeks we were tossing around some potential names but nothing really felt right, and then on a day trip we drove past a bus stop with a happy hour ad. It jumped out at us and seemed like a good fit, so we went with it. The more we rolled it around the more it made sense. The tradition of a happy hour originated with the Navy in the early 20th century, it was time set aside for sailors to have some entertaining and frivolous fun. These happy hours helped to mitigate boredom and kept spirits high, and it slowly morphed over time into what we know it as today. Happy Hour Ceramics is what we do when we’re not working our 9-5’s, it’s our time to hang out and talk about the day, when we share ideas and chat about what we’ve been thinking about or looking at, it’s our time to collaborate and connect. 

Being longtime customers of yours we know being a newsletter member has its perks.  One of those is getting a head start on online drops before the rest of the world gets a chance to shop.  In order to get into the website early us newsletter members are given a password by you two which is always a cocktail or drink.  So we must ask; Do Brian and Ashley each have an all-time favorite drink?  

Ashley: I have two: Mezcal Negroni and Aperol Spritz.

Brian: Three fingers of a peaty scotch, neat or with one small ice cube.

We know you two are serious plant people.  What is your favorite genus / species? 

Impossible question!! We love watching things grow, doesn’t matter if it’s a rare specimen plant or weeds in the garden. Of course, that’s a politician’s answer… so instead here’s a short list of plants we have had the pleasure of growing that have stood out for one reason or another:

Sansevieria pinguicula

Euphorbia guillauminiana 

Mammillaria crucigera 

Aloidendron pillansii 

Cintia knizei 

Ortegocactus macdougallii

Cleistocactus winteri subsp. colademononis


All ceramics will become available at the opening reception for 'Happy Hour' on Saturday, May 13th from 5-8pm.  First come first served.  


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